First read it on Kodi's blog then promised Boo to do the tag.. Sorry for the delay girls..
3 Things That Scare Me
Loud noises
Being alone
Weird Shadows of things at night
Nothing scares her.. She scare the heck out of us by standing & swinging on rocker chair, her small chair & table..
3 people That Make me Laugh
My Parents
My friends at school
Jeff (Wiggles)
My Parents
3 Things I Love
Going to school
Getting new toys
Taking long shower
Watching Wiggles
Kissing Mamma(300-400 times a day)
Sleeping on mamma’s hand
3 Things I Hate
Seeing mommy holding A
Saying bye to wiggles dvd
Sit in the car while mommy makes quick trip to any store
3 Things I Don’t understand
Why can’t we go out every day
Why do we have to take nap
Why can’t Ice cream & chocolate be every meal?
Why can’t I go to school with A
Jump high like A
Why Im strapped in the high chair while A sits on big chair
3 Things On My Floor
(Not counting 3 baskets full of toys, rocker & regular chair ;-)
Heart stickers
Mr. Potato head
Stethoscope from doctor’s set
3 Things Im Doing Right Now
Fake crying cuz mommy is making me put my toys away
Holding toys in my mouth (too big to go in the mouth so just the tip to drop in the box)
Watching Tv
Breaking computer
Eating pear
Watching tv
3 Things I Can’t Do
Cook like mommy
Ride bike
Sleep without Mommy
Play computer games like A
Stop following mommy everywhere
Sit down & eat properly
3 Things I Think You Should Listen To
Wiggle songs
Mommy, when she is saying good things about me
Daler mehndi songs
3 Things I Think You Should Never Listen To
Mommy yelling at us in Punjabi
Mommy saying that we are naughty
Mommy singing old songs
3 Absolute Favorite Foods
3 Things I’d Like to Learn
Using scissors (kids ones)
How to make mommy believe that Im a BIG BOY now and totally capable of doing every thing on MY OWN..
To do every thing A does but with my naughty twist
3 Beverages I Drink Regularly
Coconut water (latest favorite)
Ice-cream (yes, but mommy’s version (another blog story;-))
Soda (If mommy let me)
3 Shows I Watch
Go Diego go
Wonder pets
Blue Clues
3 Ways to Describe My Personality
Very sensitive
Very Loving
Very Loving Gundi
3 Fellow Babies That I am Tagging
Any baby who wants to do the tag:-)
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Our First Xmas Celebration

I got fake tree the year A was born so spend 2 hr. to find it;-) It’s a small one that comes with everything so I put it few days’ back. A & Gudiya helped me, A by putting the ornaments on the tree & Gudiya by putting them in her mouth. With their help I was done in 20 minutes;-)
I wanted to get 1-2 toys for each but A start counting how many things he wanted from Santa. It started with nothing, then 2 candies & lollipops, then lots of candy & lollipops then lots of toys, candies & lollipops then he added coconut in the list too;-) With his growing list I started collecting things a month back.

So this time too I decided to get more but less expensive toys than just one expensive one. Went to couple of stores and got few good things on clearance. Then bought few games & puzzles. I made sure to get something that they will be using it often. It worked out great. They were happy opening up all the gifts & we were happy to get stuff we were gonna buy for them anyway;-) Everything cost less than what we would’ve spent on 2 toys for them;-)
I got hubby a jacket & tried to hide it but he guessed it that it was something for him ;-) He waited till y’day morning to see it though:-) He wanted to get something for me (I think because I got for him and he thought of too, but he said he was gonna buy for me anyway;-) On Xmas eve he went out and got a jacket for me too;-) I already have lots of perfume & jewelry set so he couldn’t think of anything else;-) He said he was gonna get something sexy but lots of girls were in THAT section so he didn’t go there..LOL!!
We wrapped the gifts till 1:30 in the morning cuz I didn’t want kids to see it and A slept around 11:30. It was so much fun.. I wrapped few things then I cut the paper & he wrapped them.. We watched KANK while getting the gifts ready.. I love to spend time like that:-) Oh & when I fell asleep he went downstairs to get my present & put it near the tree ;-)

Because Santa is Good

No but we have Apples & Bananas.. Do you want to eat?
No, I want to give it to Santa.
Because Santa is Good. He gives presents to everybody and I want to give him present too..
Oh Ok but he might not want to eat fruits so you want to give him something else?
Yeah, Chocolate..
Well we got chocolate box for Santa, wrap it nicely & went to see Santa. Two days we stood in the lines but couldn’t wait for our turn because of those long lines. Finally the third day we found a Santa & NO LINES so wanted to give him the gift & make A happy cuz since 2 day all he was talking about was giving gift to Santa. Hubby wanted to look for real looking Santa cuz this Santa had very sad eyes but at that point I just wanted to make A happy & go home. He gave Santa his gift & Santa was so happy to receive first gift ever;-)
A was happy that he gave the present to Snata.. Snata was happy to receive very first gift from anybody and We were happy seeing our parenting efforts going in right direction..
I am so proud of A. I hope he stays this way and spread the real holiday spirit to everybody around him, which is not only take but to give too. This time it came from his heart & I hope on every holiday he will make a difference:-)
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
My 2 Birth Stories
at the request of themadmamma :-)
I had few complications when I was pregnant with A. I started bleeding in early weeks, and then I got type2 diabetes later. Went for couple of NST’s(every other day in last 2 weeks) cuz A kept sitting on his cord & skip breathing for few seconds which made my last few weeks very stressful. I was already 1 ½ cm dilated since 38th week.. My doc was going to china a week before my due date so she asked me to have c-section before she leaves but I said no. She suggested not waiting since I wasn’t progressing any further but I decided to wait for few more days hoping to go into labour naturally.
She left & suggested another doc. We went to meet him on the 7th. . He was such great guy & not in favor of unnecessary c-section. I was due on April11th.That day came and went by without any sign of labour.. On Saturday, the 12th, I went for NST and A sat on the cord again. They contacted the doc again & now he didn’t want to wait any more (for insurance reason). So I got admitted in the hospital where they induce me and next morning I broke my water but I wasn't progressing till afternoon. Around 2 in the afternoon I felt 2 contractions and asked for epidural. By the time my third contraction was over I had epidural;-) The Epidural guy was Punjabi so the whole time he was there we were talking about stuff back home & food;-) I didn’t even feel a thing.. great experience..
½ hr. later while we were just looking at the monitor & saw A’s heartbeat went almost flat. I told hubby to go get the nurse but before my hubby could leave, my favorite nurse came running & stimulate from “there”, which made A move, otherwise they had to do c-section within those few minutes.. I got so scared.. Once the heartbeat was ok they paged the doc & he told them to prepare for c-section. Doc came around 3:40 & explained everything. We were in OT around 4:30 And A was born at 5:01 pm. Everything went great.. I woke up in labour room and was feeling very very cold so asked for few blankets & a cup of tea.
Don’t know when hubby went & got the tea cuz when I woke up he was telling me to drink. I told him to call India.. Took 2 sips & was out againl:-)
Then I woke up in the postpartum room. Asked for A.. They brought him in the room. I wanted to keep him with me but they wouldn’t let me since I wasn’t totally conscious. I told them that hubby will be there at night and since it was private room no one can come inside anyway so they left him with me.. I fell in love with him the minute I saw him:-)
The next day I started walking even though nurses didn’t let me till afternoon but I was fine by evening. They were asking me if I was going to have baby or I already had;-) 3 nurses came to see me in the room cuz they were surprised to see someone back to normal before 24hr. of c-section (without any pain killer since morning) . I was happy:-)
During Gudiya, It was so tiring cuz from beginning she was kindda on the side. I could not lie down on any side even when I was few weeks pregnant. I used to feel very heavy every time I tried to sleep on side but my doc never believed me. I didn’t have any complication during pregnancy but I was so restless the whole time.. I had a choice of c-section or VBAC but based on my last pregnancy I had great chances of ending up with c-section any way so went ahead with c-section decision and I didn’t want to go for VBAC & rip the previous c-section scar open.
We decided to have c-secion on Dec 21st 7:30am
but I already started having contraction around 5 in the morning so delayed going to hospital. Callled the doc saying that I was in lots of pain so will be there ASAP. We reached the hospital around 10:30. Since our c-section time was over & doc wasn’t there, we had to wait long time in the registration area.. Once they got our doc on the phone we were finally on our way to delivery room. I had called couple of friends there to take care of A so that hubby can stay with me during c-section. By the time we were leaving they got there too..
Nurses were really bitchy this time.. My sweet nurse from A’s time works in the night shift so I was bit
disappointed. A was not ready to stay with my friends and was running around everywhere in the hallway so hubby had to run after him. I was expecting my doc to be bitchy but surprisingly she was fine.. I was contracting verrrryyy slowly so they wanted to have the c-section done soon but OT wasn’t available. So we waited for sometime & got it.
A wasn’t ready to stay with my friends so my friend came with me in the OT. She was born around 11:45(I think). I wanted to get my tubes tight this time so it took longer. I woke up in delivery room with every one around me. I couldn’t wait to see her.. During A’s time
I saw him before they gave my full med but this time they have to do more work so I was sleeping before the surgery started. I asked my hubby about her and before he could answer I was out;-) Then woke up sometime later & talk to my friends.. I was falling asleep before finishing sentence and every time I woke up and start asking something everyone start to smile..
Finally woke up in recovery room. Asked for Gudiya. Felt so happy & satisfied after that. Friends called & relatives from India were calling seconds times cuz they didn’t get to talk to me the first time they called. Soon friends left.. Nurses took the baby & hubby left with A. I knew I was gonna be Ok so I wanted A to have a restful night.
I wanted to see her again but nurse wouldn’t let me.. Actually I had bigger surgery this time and I wasn’t fully awake.. I was in so much pain even with the med and that was making me so sleepy. They didn’t want to leave the baby with me but I wanted to see her so badly that they had to bring her in;-) I told her if I start to feel sleepy I would call her to take the baby. I really struggled to sit up and see her cuz my incision this time was from one leg to other and I could hardly move without putting any pressure on it. I called the nurse to put her in my arms. I spend sometime looking at her before feeling sleepy. I loved her but I didn’t feel connected like A’s time. Maybe because I was in lots of pain or feeling really really bad leaving A the first time. I wasn’t worried about the surgery but leaving A alone with hubby was major tension for last few weeks;-) I called the nurse to take her and as soon they took her I fell asleep.
I woke up few times in so much pain.
Called the nurse to give my more pain med but I was already getting morphine. She told me press the button more if I wanted more med. (it was a drip and I had to press the button after counting 6 and now I was doing it after every 3 sec.) Fell asleep again & woke up feeling a little better. Called the nurse to bring my baby. It was around midnight so kept her with me on my bed till morning.. They took her before their shift change.
Was feeling ok in the morning. Had breakfast, change cloths & asked for Gudiya again:-) She was with me on my bed the whole time even though nurses said I was spoiling her and will be a problem after I get home but who cares.. We are born to spoil our kids;-) Second day they took her and refuse to give her to me cuz they thought I needed rest but I went to nursery & cried after seeing her crying there..(Postpartum Blues;-) They just let them cry there. So told them I don’t care and
I want her in my room. She told me to send my nurse cuz I wasn’t allowed to push the cart. Finally got her in my room after 10 minutes. Afterwards I didn’t let them take her at all. I changed her & feed her in my room. Only time they were allowed to touch her was when I wanted to put her with me on my bed… That time I needed someone to hold her to me, as it was very hard for me to sit or lay down on the bed. I was walking in my room the whole time so that I won’t have any problem after coming home.
Hubby & A were visiting every day but A wanted to run around so hubby was just running after him the whole time so I told him to stay home & not come to visit. We were finally home after 3 days..
Madmomma, I wrote whatever I could remember.. A was born in 2003 & Gudiya was born in 2004 so I feel confused sometimes thinking if something happened during A’s time or Gudiya’s;-) But its almost how it went:-)
Wishing you smooth remaining weeks of pregnancy and quick & easy labour:-)
Updated to add
The reason madmamma started this because some people think having c-section is easy way out. I don’t think so. If you think about it, the vaginal one is less hard(not using "easier" word cuz giving birth is NOT easy by any choice) unless its totally natural birth cuz you get epidural, don’t feel anything waist down & just push on instruction.. Once the baby is born you are done & feel sore for couple of day only but with c-section you can’t even sit properly without feeling the pain on incision for weeks or even months cuz every time u try to do something, u feel ur whole body’s weight & pressure there. Even 2 years later I still feel sharp pain in the beginning of the incision. According to my doc its thread’s knot:-(
So madmamma, don’t listen to those who are not mature enough to think why people make certain choices.. They just don’t care to know the exact circumstances some people face..

Then I woke up in the postpartum room. Asked for A.. They brought him in the room. I wanted to keep him with me but they wouldn’t let me since I wasn’t totally conscious. I told them that hubby will be there at night and since it was private room no one can come inside anyway so they left him with me.. I fell in love with him the minute I saw him:-)
The next day I started walking even though nurses didn’t let me till afternoon but I was fine by evening. They were asking me if I was going to have baby or I already had;-) 3 nurses came to see me in the room cuz they were surprised to see someone back to normal before 24hr. of c-section (without any pain killer since morning) . I was happy:-)

We decided to have c-secion on Dec 21st 7:30am

Nurses were really bitchy this time.. My sweet nurse from A’s time works in the night shift so I was bit

A wasn’t ready to stay with my friends so my friend came with me in the OT. She was born around 11:45(I think). I wanted to get my tubes tight this time so it took longer. I woke up in delivery room with every one around me. I couldn’t wait to see her.. During A’s time

Finally woke up in recovery room. Asked for Gudiya. Felt so happy & satisfied after that. Friends called & relatives from India were calling seconds times cuz they didn’t get to talk to me the first time they called. Soon friends left.. Nurses took the baby & hubby left with A. I knew I was gonna be Ok so I wanted A to have a restful night.

I woke up few times in so much pain.

Was feeling ok in the morning. Had breakfast, change cloths & asked for Gudiya again:-) She was with me on my bed the whole time even though nurses said I was spoiling her and will be a problem after I get home but who cares.. We are born to spoil our kids;-) Second day they took her and refuse to give her to me cuz they thought I needed rest but I went to nursery & cried after seeing her crying there..(Postpartum Blues;-) They just let them cry there. So told them I don’t care and

Hubby & A were visiting every day but A wanted to run around so hubby was just running after him the whole time so I told him to stay home & not come to visit. We were finally home after 3 days..
Madmomma, I wrote whatever I could remember.. A was born in 2003 & Gudiya was born in 2004 so I feel confused sometimes thinking if something happened during A’s time or Gudiya’s;-) But its almost how it went:-)
Wishing you smooth remaining weeks of pregnancy and quick & easy labour:-)
Updated to add
The reason madmamma started this because some people think having c-section is easy way out. I don’t think so. If you think about it, the vaginal one is less hard(not using "easier" word cuz giving birth is NOT easy by any choice) unless its totally natural birth cuz you get epidural, don’t feel anything waist down & just push on instruction.. Once the baby is born you are done & feel sore for couple of day only but with c-section you can’t even sit properly without feeling the pain on incision for weeks or even months cuz every time u try to do something, u feel ur whole body’s weight & pressure there. Even 2 years later I still feel sharp pain in the beginning of the incision. According to my doc its thread’s knot:-(
So madmamma, don’t listen to those who are not mature enough to think why people make certain choices.. They just don’t care to know the exact circumstances some people face..
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Gudiya is still not feeling too well.. She had fever till last week & very bad cough. Even though her ped told me to wait for couple of day, I got her blood test done last Monday cuz I didn’t want to give her any unnecessary medicine when I know she won’t be feeling better with that. They had to prick her both arms to get the blood cuz it wasn’t enough from one side. Getting urine from her was a totally different story cuz she didn’t want to pee in a cup & every time I put those urine collecting thingy in diaper, she pooped on them.
Blood test came out normal but she still was coughing a lot so took her again on Friday. Doc gave the med and now if she is not all better till Friday we have to get the chest x-ray done. I think this med is asthma related & even if she is better, we have to get the nubulizer procedure done. I knew things would be bad after A will start daycare but never imagined they will be this bad.
She has become so clingy, cranky & jealous these days so didn’t get the chance to visit all the blogs. Hopefully she will be better by this weekend & things will be back to normal.
P.S Boo, I know its been a while since I said that I will do the baby tag but will definitely do it by Thursday.
And Madmomma, I will write those birth stories (whatever I remember) soon too. (hopefully by friday :-)
Blood test came out normal but she still was coughing a lot so took her again on Friday. Doc gave the med and now if she is not all better till Friday we have to get the chest x-ray done. I think this med is asthma related & even if she is better, we have to get the nubulizer procedure done. I knew things would be bad after A will start daycare but never imagined they will be this bad.
She has become so clingy, cranky & jealous these days so didn’t get the chance to visit all the blogs. Hopefully she will be better by this weekend & things will be back to normal.
P.S Boo, I know its been a while since I said that I will do the baby tag but will definitely do it by Thursday.
And Madmomma, I will write those birth stories (whatever I remember) soon too. (hopefully by friday :-)
Getting big
We always tell A that if eats his food he will get big & strong otherwise Gudiya will finish his food & get bigger than him and this trick works almost always works..:-) Yesterday when I picked him up, I said ahhh.. He got so happy and asked me
I am getting big, mamma?
Yes, you are:-)
(He got very excited and showed me his arm)
My arms are getting big, mamma.
My legs are getting big mamma.
My eyes are getting big.
My nose is getting big.
My ears are getting big.
My eyebrows are getting big.
My fingers are getting big.
My head is getting big.
My tummy is getting big.
And my Pee-Pee is getting big too..:-)
I am getting big, mamma?
Yes, you are:-)
(He got very excited and showed me his arm)
My arms are getting big, mamma.
My legs are getting big mamma.
My eyes are getting big.
My nose is getting big.
My ears are getting big.
My eyebrows are getting big.
My fingers are getting big.
My head is getting big.
My tummy is getting big.
And my Pee-Pee is getting big too..:-)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Letter to Santa
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Bye-Bye School
Since September A is been suffering from cold & cough.. In last 3 years we never had to go to doc for any winter issues but this time we already went 3 times for each kid.. This season is first time for the antibiotics, that too two times already.. Then I got sick too.. Same virus as kids.. So I decided to keep him home for winter cuz its really hard to take care of 2 sick kids at the same time..
We talk to his school director about leaving and the next day we got call from the high school of our area about an opening in their school program for 3 year old kids.. This is a program by our city’s board of education in the high school where they teach high school kids to take care of kids under the supervision of a teacher. We came to know about this program few months back but by then they were already full. Still I put his name in the waiting list even though the director said its of no use..
So after receiving the call from the director we went to check out everything.. It nothing compares to his old school but we were going to leave that school anyway so it sounds good for some proper school activities like circle time & socialization issue with other kids. And now he won’t be missing out any school stuff.
Since he goes to afternoon session from 12:25-2:25, he gets to sleep cozy till late in the morning:-). And the teacher student ratio is 1:1 and sometimes 2:1… Really, there are as many student-teachers as kids.. First day we went there, we saw a kid crying and there were 3 girls trying to make that little girl feel better.. It was nice to see that..
So now these days we get up, have breakfast, play a little while & leave for school.. I come home, have lunch with Gudiya & we are off to pick him up.. By the time A takes shower & eat lunch, it is already 4. Mornings are easy but rest of the day is hectic.. A is enjoying this school too but had few issues in the beginning, like “Mamma, there is only one bathroom in this school”, “Mamma, there are so many teachers in this school” , “they are all babies in my class”(Since this is for 3 years old kids so some are 3 & few are 31/2 & up, not like his other school where everyone was almost same age).
Anyways, today was his 4th day here & he is all happy.. He didn’t want to stay there on Saturday so we spent ½ hr. that day & left. His teacher asked me to leave him there that day but I didn’t want him to cry so she asked me “So, he won’t cry on Monday?” “No, he won’t.. I hope :-)” And guess what he didn’t cry on Monday.. yayyyy:-) When I went to pick him up she said “He totally blend in:-) Other kids are here since Oct beside 1 girl who cry every day but he was just great":-) I am so proud of A:-)
We talk to his school director about leaving and the next day we got call from the high school of our area about an opening in their school program for 3 year old kids.. This is a program by our city’s board of education in the high school where they teach high school kids to take care of kids under the supervision of a teacher. We came to know about this program few months back but by then they were already full. Still I put his name in the waiting list even though the director said its of no use..
So after receiving the call from the director we went to check out everything.. It nothing compares to his old school but we were going to leave that school anyway so it sounds good for some proper school activities like circle time & socialization issue with other kids. And now he won’t be missing out any school stuff.
Since he goes to afternoon session from 12:25-2:25, he gets to sleep cozy till late in the morning:-). And the teacher student ratio is 1:1 and sometimes 2:1… Really, there are as many student-teachers as kids.. First day we went there, we saw a kid crying and there were 3 girls trying to make that little girl feel better.. It was nice to see that..
So now these days we get up, have breakfast, play a little while & leave for school.. I come home, have lunch with Gudiya & we are off to pick him up.. By the time A takes shower & eat lunch, it is already 4. Mornings are easy but rest of the day is hectic.. A is enjoying this school too but had few issues in the beginning, like “Mamma, there is only one bathroom in this school”, “Mamma, there are so many teachers in this school” , “they are all babies in my class”(Since this is for 3 years old kids so some are 3 & few are 31/2 & up, not like his other school where everyone was almost same age).
Anyways, today was his 4th day here & he is all happy.. He didn’t want to stay there on Saturday so we spent ½ hr. that day & left. His teacher asked me to leave him there that day but I didn’t want him to cry so she asked me “So, he won’t cry on Monday?” “No, he won’t.. I hope :-)” And guess what he didn’t cry on Monday.. yayyyy:-) When I went to pick him up she said “He totally blend in:-) Other kids are here since Oct beside 1 girl who cry every day but he was just great":-) I am so proud of A:-)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Why Krishna is not a good boy..
What do you want to eat A?
Ok, I will go get Makhan for my little Krishna.
I am not Krishna, Mamma.
You want to eat Makhan all the time so you are my little Krishna.
No Mamma, Krishna is not a good boy…
Because He doesn’t listen to his Mamma and he always bothers her. I am a good boy and I always listen to you.
Ok, I will go get Makhan for my little Krishna.
I am not Krishna, Mamma.
You want to eat Makhan all the time so you are my little Krishna.
No Mamma, Krishna is not a good boy…
Because He doesn’t listen to his Mamma and he always bothers her. I am a good boy and I always listen to you.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Save Nirali
The evening of my kid’s surgery day I got an email about Nirali and the next morning I just couldn’t stop going to marrow donor drive to support. They are still looking for the right donor & the poor kid is going through a lot. Please pray for her and support her by going to marrow drive in your area.
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Few days back we got Krishna movie for kids, thinking they will enjoy it like they did Hanuman and Ganesha but after watching it for few minutes they were bored. Since Friday I tried to make them watch 2-3 times but they weren’t interested at all. They wanted to watch other movies but not Krishna.
I don’t blame them cuz it has very poor animation & you get headache after watching it for a little while. Eventually A liked some “Makhan chori” scene & wanted to watch it. Since then he wanted to eat makhan too so I made oatmeal for him & he finished it:-) Y’day morning I asked him what he wanted for breakfast & he asked for makhan:-) Now he likes to sleep like krishna, on his side & one hand under his cheek:-) But when I ask him if he wants to watch the movie, he still is not interested in watching it again..
If you are thinking of buying this movie, don’t waste ur money. It is not worth it. Get Hanuman instead… Hanuman was the best Indian animated movie I saw & I still can watch it 2-3 times a day. I was hoping Ganesha movie would be like Hanuman too but it was only half as good as Hanuman, still it was not that bad but Krishna is just way too puppet like movie..
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Bahu or Jamai
This morning
Hubby- You know you should be ready for a Bahu or Jamai.
Me- Of course, we will have a Bahu & a Jamai.
Hubby- Yeah, but I am taking about A.
Me- What?
Hubby- Y’day I asked him if anyone kissed him in the school and you know what he said
Me- What?
Hubby(smiling)- Dilen
I asked him again and he said the same
Me- LOL!! Seriously??
Hubby- Yeah
Me- Oh he doesn’t know.. Dilen is his friend and A likes to make up stories these days.. If someone visit a school or college in India they will think everybody is gay & lesbians because of the way they act.. No big deal.. Its just the way you look at it..
Me (thinking)- (I have to talk to A about this too.. )
Hubby- You know you should be ready for a Bahu or Jamai.
Me- Of course, we will have a Bahu & a Jamai.
Hubby- Yeah, but I am taking about A.
Me- What?
Hubby- Y’day I asked him if anyone kissed him in the school and you know what he said
Me- What?
Hubby(smiling)- Dilen
I asked him again and he said the same
Me- LOL!! Seriously??
Hubby- Yeah
Me- Oh he doesn’t know.. Dilen is his friend and A likes to make up stories these days.. If someone visit a school or college in India they will think everybody is gay & lesbians because of the way they act.. No big deal.. Its just the way you look at it..
Me (thinking)- (I have to talk to A about this too.. )
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
All the baby love has turned our princess into a baby:-) Nose was always a Nose for her but since last few week it had turned into “Noni” :-) She touches her Nose and say “Noni” then she point to her and say her name.. Then she touch my “Noni” and point to me saying “mama”.. yes, mama’s noni.. And she does the same for A & hubby.. Even though it’s a step backward, she look so cute saying it and I can kiss her 100 times in those few seconds.. I am falling in love all over again with my baby :-)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Really want to have a daughter??
Few days back I read an article by Emily, who is a mother of three boys, on wanting to have a "daughter" to take care of her and I wanted to post for Tharini & other mother of boys who really want to have a girl..
(This is the article by Emily)
Three months after my third son was born, we took our first vacation as a family of five to the Bahamas. It was then that I discovered how a mother with three sons seems to attract frequent and not always appealing comments, ranging from “God Bless you” to “No girls?” The “No girls?” one always bothered me, and by the end of the trip, I finally resorted to a quick comeback. Responding to a woman working at airport security, I said with great conviction, “Oh no, my three girls are at home!”
A friend of mine once said that anyone who says they don’t care about having children of all the same sex is lying. I have another friend who put it more gently, and I think most accurately, by saying that everyone would like the experience of raising both a boy and a girl but it really doesn’t matter what you ultimately have. I have plenty of friends that have either three boys or three girls, but it is the mothers with the three (or more) boys who inevitably get the attention from strangers as well as friends with their insensitive musings. A mother to three girls hears “Oh, how cute” while a mother to three boys gets “Oh, how do you do it?”
In my small suburban town, there is actually a club called “Mothers of Boys” and to qualify, you must be a mother to three or more boys with no girls at all. I’m not sure if it’s a support group or an excuse to socialize. Nevertheless, there is something about having that third boy that makes us stand out and garner reactions that usually border on pity. Sometimes I find them downright amusing but other times they slug me in that vulnerable spot, knowing that I may never have a daughter. The comments that sting the most come from women who have had two boys, then give birth to a girl. These mothers brag to me, “I got my girl!” Or some women say with relief, “My husband finally got it right!” When I was lamenting to one of my friends with three boys that I never cared about having a little girl to dress up in pretty pink outfits, she quickly agreed and said, “I don’t want a girl; I want a daughter.”
That was it, exactly. When I think about the close relationship I have with my own mother, it wasn’t until my late teens when our mother-daughter bond truly evolved. We got over the hump of those hideous teenager years and became best friends. Whether it was going on shopping sprees, having long phone calls discussing friendship woes, planning my wedding or obsessing about my pregnancies, my mother was and still is a constant source of stability, strength and inspiration. I can only dream of passing on that kind of love and support to my own daughter.
I should interject at this point that days after I gave birth to our sweet, third boy, I told my husband that I thought I wanted one more child. Everyone, including him, immediately assumed it was because I wanted to try for a girl. But that really wasn’t it; at least I didn’t think so. I realized that my two older sons were two years apart while my third little guy was four years younger than his middle brother. My 4 and 6 year olds appeared to be eons ahead of him and now I felt he needed a “buddy” to grow up with, trick-or-treat with, sleigh-ride with, ride the day camp bus with— activities that my two older ones now do together. By the time my third son was ready to join them and really revel in these doings, they would be done, or almost done, with that phase of their childhood. During this conversation, my husband’s face instantly went pale with fear. He probably attributed my announcement to wacky hormones so I decided not to bring up the subject again for a while.
What would make me hesitate on number four more than my husband’s panic, however, would be that if I did get pregnant, I would dread the nine months of pressure and speculation from all the onlookers on whether or not we were having a girl or another boy. It’s both stressful and annoying. My husband and I never find out the sex beforehand because frankly, we truly don’t care! However, the rest of the world not only seems to care but to make wagers, predict and relay their own anxieties about the sex of our child.
It was during this Bahamas trip that I had a chance conversation with a woman by the pool who helped me come to terms with what may or may not be my destiny of being a mother to three sons. She told me that she too had three boys and then her fourth child was a girl. I told her that I too was thinking of having a fourth because I didn’t feel “done” yet. I also told her how I loved having three boys but that I had a close relationship with my mother and before I even finished my thought about wanting a daughter, she finished it for me: “I wanted someone to brush my hair for me when I can’t do it anymore.” Yes, that was it! Not the girl, but the daughter.
The woman by the pool saw my face get this faraway, sad look but that was when she said all the right things. “Don’t worry,” she consoled. “If you never have a daughter, I can promise you that one of your sons will assume that role for you. In fact, one of my sons is more of a daughter to me than my own daughter.”
Ever since that conversation, I am comforted and enlightened by the realization that a daughter won’t necessarily sprout from giving birth to a little girl. She may be one of my sons or a future daughter-in-law or one of my nieces. I know that I would have stepped in as the “caretaker” for my mother-in-law after her knee-replacement surgery if she didn’t have her own daughter offer to fly to Arizona to help feed, dress and bathe her. When I try to imagine if my daughter will in fact be one of my sons, I assess each of their burgeoning personalities for hints. My oldest son enjoys caring for his youngest brother and sometimes demands the involvement in dressing, bathing and feeding him. My middle son is incredibly attuned to other people’s emotions, including his own. And my youngest, now 2, is so precious and cuddly: He wraps himself around my heart each time he asks me for a hug and a kiss several times a day. My three sons are all so different and thus already fulfill distinct roles within our family. For now, I still do most of the hair brushing in my house but when the time comes for someone to take care of me, I know my daughter will find me.
(This is the article by Emily)
Three months after my third son was born, we took our first vacation as a family of five to the Bahamas. It was then that I discovered how a mother with three sons seems to attract frequent and not always appealing comments, ranging from “God Bless you” to “No girls?” The “No girls?” one always bothered me, and by the end of the trip, I finally resorted to a quick comeback. Responding to a woman working at airport security, I said with great conviction, “Oh no, my three girls are at home!”
A friend of mine once said that anyone who says they don’t care about having children of all the same sex is lying. I have another friend who put it more gently, and I think most accurately, by saying that everyone would like the experience of raising both a boy and a girl but it really doesn’t matter what you ultimately have. I have plenty of friends that have either three boys or three girls, but it is the mothers with the three (or more) boys who inevitably get the attention from strangers as well as friends with their insensitive musings. A mother to three girls hears “Oh, how cute” while a mother to three boys gets “Oh, how do you do it?”
In my small suburban town, there is actually a club called “Mothers of Boys” and to qualify, you must be a mother to three or more boys with no girls at all. I’m not sure if it’s a support group or an excuse to socialize. Nevertheless, there is something about having that third boy that makes us stand out and garner reactions that usually border on pity. Sometimes I find them downright amusing but other times they slug me in that vulnerable spot, knowing that I may never have a daughter. The comments that sting the most come from women who have had two boys, then give birth to a girl. These mothers brag to me, “I got my girl!” Or some women say with relief, “My husband finally got it right!” When I was lamenting to one of my friends with three boys that I never cared about having a little girl to dress up in pretty pink outfits, she quickly agreed and said, “I don’t want a girl; I want a daughter.”
That was it, exactly. When I think about the close relationship I have with my own mother, it wasn’t until my late teens when our mother-daughter bond truly evolved. We got over the hump of those hideous teenager years and became best friends. Whether it was going on shopping sprees, having long phone calls discussing friendship woes, planning my wedding or obsessing about my pregnancies, my mother was and still is a constant source of stability, strength and inspiration. I can only dream of passing on that kind of love and support to my own daughter.
I should interject at this point that days after I gave birth to our sweet, third boy, I told my husband that I thought I wanted one more child. Everyone, including him, immediately assumed it was because I wanted to try for a girl. But that really wasn’t it; at least I didn’t think so. I realized that my two older sons were two years apart while my third little guy was four years younger than his middle brother. My 4 and 6 year olds appeared to be eons ahead of him and now I felt he needed a “buddy” to grow up with, trick-or-treat with, sleigh-ride with, ride the day camp bus with— activities that my two older ones now do together. By the time my third son was ready to join them and really revel in these doings, they would be done, or almost done, with that phase of their childhood. During this conversation, my husband’s face instantly went pale with fear. He probably attributed my announcement to wacky hormones so I decided not to bring up the subject again for a while.
What would make me hesitate on number four more than my husband’s panic, however, would be that if I did get pregnant, I would dread the nine months of pressure and speculation from all the onlookers on whether or not we were having a girl or another boy. It’s both stressful and annoying. My husband and I never find out the sex beforehand because frankly, we truly don’t care! However, the rest of the world not only seems to care but to make wagers, predict and relay their own anxieties about the sex of our child.
It was during this Bahamas trip that I had a chance conversation with a woman by the pool who helped me come to terms with what may or may not be my destiny of being a mother to three sons. She told me that she too had three boys and then her fourth child was a girl. I told her that I too was thinking of having a fourth because I didn’t feel “done” yet. I also told her how I loved having three boys but that I had a close relationship with my mother and before I even finished my thought about wanting a daughter, she finished it for me: “I wanted someone to brush my hair for me when I can’t do it anymore.” Yes, that was it! Not the girl, but the daughter.
The woman by the pool saw my face get this faraway, sad look but that was when she said all the right things. “Don’t worry,” she consoled. “If you never have a daughter, I can promise you that one of your sons will assume that role for you. In fact, one of my sons is more of a daughter to me than my own daughter.”
Ever since that conversation, I am comforted and enlightened by the realization that a daughter won’t necessarily sprout from giving birth to a little girl. She may be one of my sons or a future daughter-in-law or one of my nieces. I know that I would have stepped in as the “caretaker” for my mother-in-law after her knee-replacement surgery if she didn’t have her own daughter offer to fly to Arizona to help feed, dress and bathe her. When I try to imagine if my daughter will in fact be one of my sons, I assess each of their burgeoning personalities for hints. My oldest son enjoys caring for his youngest brother and sometimes demands the involvement in dressing, bathing and feeding him. My middle son is incredibly attuned to other people’s emotions, including his own. And my youngest, now 2, is so precious and cuddly: He wraps himself around my heart each time he asks me for a hug and a kiss several times a day. My three sons are all so different and thus already fulfill distinct roles within our family. For now, I still do most of the hair brushing in my house but when the time comes for someone to take care of me, I know my daughter will find me.
Monday, November 20, 2006
This is how I wear my....
Well every time I try the different way but most of the time I start like this

But the end result is always something like this

Sometimes lace on the side

And sometimes half lace showing to get a different look

Next time you should try the same way and I bet you will be happy like me:-) Don't take me word for it, just try it and see:-)

But the end result is always something like this

Sometimes lace on the side

And sometimes half lace showing to get a different look

Next time you should try the same way and I bet you will be happy like me:-) Don't take me word for it, just try it and see:-)
Before & After Mundan

We did her mundan few days back. She was crying so bad after few minutes of starting and I thought I might have to shave the rest of her hair the next day but did it anyway. She didn't let me fix the forehead line so its been a bit crooked but no big deal:-) I really don't like taklu kids unless they are new born.. These are few before & after mundan pics.. last one is with spiderman stickers all over her face.. She has put lots of stickers on the other side of her face & on the back of her head but she didn't let me take the pic..
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Check it out
OMG you have to listen to this:-)))))
OMG you have to listen to this:-)))))
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Thanks for your prayers. She is doing ok now, came back from hospital but in lots of pain cuz of the tube they had inserted near her chest to drain the infected blood. They will be getting detailed pathology report on Friday & then they will decide the next step. As of now the cyst was more than they expected so doc said to have the chemotherapy for at least a year. They were very scared the other day cuz chemotherapy means its serious than they imagined.
I wasn’t getting the right picture of the whole situation as they were really depressed and start crying every time I called.. I got the doctor’s name & googled it and guess what, I found his 2 home#, cell# & address :-) so talk to him instead.. Can you believe it.. I was so shocked that we can do lots of things sitting here and fill the gap of not being there personally.. My other bhua & chacha was there with them & even they didn’t get to talk to the doc & I did sitting saath samundar paar:-)
Another very good thing is that I found a site to send gifts within 2 hrs. :-) yup, 2 hr... I tried their service 3-4 times before and the cake I send was always fresh & wonderful. This time I send flowers & cake to hospital (after the surgery) & they delivered before 12 in the noon while ordering the cake around 7 in the morning.. Y’day I placed an order for flowers to send their home since she was discharged a day early & they delivered in less than 2 hrs. and in Delhi it takes 2 hrs. to get from point A to B. And prices are damn good.. 50 flowers are for less than $10 with shipping & everything.. People do use and (same owner). I told them I will recommend it to everybody so if you do use these sites just say(in the special request) that we found u from a friend’s blog in NJ:-) It will make me feel good not that Im getting anything out of it:-)
Kids are doing all right.. well almost all right but Im been very sick.. My whole body hurts, even ears & jaw too. If I won’t get better by tomorrow morning I will have to go the doctor. So I will be back in 2-3 days & visit everybody’s blog which I am been missing lately… or I will just sit & read new posts & comment later;-)
Thanks again everybody for ur prayers.
I wasn’t getting the right picture of the whole situation as they were really depressed and start crying every time I called.. I got the doctor’s name & googled it and guess what, I found his 2 home#, cell# & address :-) so talk to him instead.. Can you believe it.. I was so shocked that we can do lots of things sitting here and fill the gap of not being there personally.. My other bhua & chacha was there with them & even they didn’t get to talk to the doc & I did sitting saath samundar paar:-)
Another very good thing is that I found a site to send gifts within 2 hrs. :-) yup, 2 hr... I tried their service 3-4 times before and the cake I send was always fresh & wonderful. This time I send flowers & cake to hospital (after the surgery) & they delivered before 12 in the noon while ordering the cake around 7 in the morning.. Y’day I placed an order for flowers to send their home since she was discharged a day early & they delivered in less than 2 hrs. and in Delhi it takes 2 hrs. to get from point A to B. And prices are damn good.. 50 flowers are for less than $10 with shipping & everything.. People do use and (same owner). I told them I will recommend it to everybody so if you do use these sites just say(in the special request) that we found u from a friend’s blog in NJ:-) It will make me feel good not that Im getting anything out of it:-)
Kids are doing all right.. well almost all right but Im been very sick.. My whole body hurts, even ears & jaw too. If I won’t get better by tomorrow morning I will have to go the doctor. So I will be back in 2-3 days & visit everybody’s blog which I am been missing lately… or I will just sit & read new posts & comment later;-)
Thanks again everybody for ur prayers.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
If you could spare a prayer..
My Bhua is having surgery to remove the cancer cyst tomorrow morning. Please pray for her..
I can’t believe how much India has improved. On Friday My Uncle read an article in the newspaper, insist my bhua to get it checked as she had lump around 10m back and all the tests came back normal but he said to get it done anyway.. On Saturday they met the doctor who said it was breast cancer.. On Monday they took second opinion, Tuesday did all the tests, Wednesday they got all the reports back and now she is in the hospital to get the surgery done in the morning (Indian time).
Thanks for any extra prayers.
I can’t believe how much India has improved. On Friday My Uncle read an article in the newspaper, insist my bhua to get it checked as she had lump around 10m back and all the tests came back normal but he said to get it done anyway.. On Saturday they met the doctor who said it was breast cancer.. On Monday they took second opinion, Tuesday did all the tests, Wednesday they got all the reports back and now she is in the hospital to get the surgery done in the morning (Indian time).
Thanks for any extra prayers.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
What A Week
- Both Kids are down with cold & cough. A had fever for few days, bad cough, which doctor thinks is seasonal & will be gone after thanksgiving (I blame day care for this;-) and now Gudiya has fever too. She is breathing funny since last night so taking her to doc in the evening.
- Found out that my Bhua has breast cancer.. She has thyroid for almost 18 years & now this.. Just today they got the results of all the tests.. Its early stage still she will have to go through the surgery & everything else after that for the rest of her life..
- I have this throbbing headache for 3-4 days, which is not going away even with medicine.
- I am sleeping with A on my one arm & gudiya holding my other hand for almost the whole night since couple of days and now I got this twist on the back of my neck & I can’t turn my head on the left side..
- Gudiya isn’t eating anything since 2 days so trying to feed her & give her med even 3-4 in the morning.. Today we were up around 4, had 3-4 spoons of soup while looking at the rain.. Whole day I am after her with something so that she could eat 1-2 spoons after every hr.
- I feel this heartache every time she coughs & gets up every 2-3 hour at night too.. Poor baby..
- We did her “Mundan” on Sunday and will post the pic in a day or 2.
- On Friday I went to pick him up and “that” girl came running after him with their teacher running after her.. She hugged him & kissed him again.. So I had a little talk with A while coming back
“What did I tell you about not to kiss anyone”
“I didn’t kiss her mommy.. She kissed me”
“Then why didn’t u say, “my mommy said no kissing””
“Because….” (yeah that’s what he said)
“Because what!”
“Because I like it when she kisses me” :-O
(Pause for few seconds..)
“There is noting to like, OK. Just play with everybody and no kissing”
“But I like it”
“Ok, I gonna watch you from my computer at home and if you kiss her or let her Kiss you I am going to send a policeman there”
“No Mamma”
“Oh Yeah, you watch.. The minute I see a kiss a policeman will come & take you guys”
“No mamma”
“ OK”
*sigh* - And I can’t think of any spicy, chatpati & fadkati hui dish that could sooth me..
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Happy Halloween
Monday, October 30, 2006
Miss You??

Gudiya gave me the calcium sandoz bottle to open..
Gudiya: CA-MAN, CA-MAN(Calcium)
Me: you want calcium?
Gudiya: ah-huh ca-man
I gave her one. She held it in her hands for few minutes..
Me: Ok, you can eat now.. come on..
Gudiya: A, Ca-man (give the calcium to A too:-)
Me: He is not here.. He went to school..
Gudiya: AAAAA.. CA-MAN LELE :-)
*sigh :-)
In the afternoon..
Me: You want to eat rice?
Gudiya: Riiiccceeee, RRRiiicccceeeee.
Me: Open your mouth..
Gudiya: A, rice..
Me: He is not here..
She went inside.. looked in every room saying AAAAAA,rice… AAAAA,rice..
Even though its heartbreaking to see her miss him so much still it made me smile to see how much she care for him.. Or she is missing torturing him;-)
That’s the new word Gudiya learned from A since he started school and she knows its meaning too:-) I think it’s the ONLY word she used during the whole weekend..*phew* It was very hectic weekend. A is running a little cough & cold since Thursday and has on & off fever since Friday night. It was very windy and cuz of A I couldn’t take them out which made the weekend even more hectic.
When he woke up on Saturday morning, It was hugs time instead of regular 2 mintes hugs & hurry to get ready for school but she jumped over to A’s side, pulled him out of my lap, sat there her arms around me, saying MINE, MINE.. This was just the start.. Any toy he touched, She screamed MINE & snatched away from him.. I gave them similar things still she snatched his stuff from him every time & hide in the bedroom.. Poor guy was complaining & crying the whole time.. Couple of times she took away things saying Mine then pushed him on the floor:-O Forget about letting him use the computer.. She stood there crying saying Mine, Mine, pulling him from the chair and when that didn’t work she took the mouse & throw it several times and used the keyboard as “tabla” to interrupt him.. *sigh She made it very torturing weekend for him. So the whole weekend I had one screaming kid & I crying kid.. Last night I felt like I had no throat cuz of all the yelling..
How do they learn these annoying things from nowhere and not the good thing that we teach then EVERY SINGLE DAY?
When he woke up on Saturday morning, It was hugs time instead of regular 2 mintes hugs & hurry to get ready for school but she jumped over to A’s side, pulled him out of my lap, sat there her arms around me, saying MINE, MINE.. This was just the start.. Any toy he touched, She screamed MINE & snatched away from him.. I gave them similar things still she snatched his stuff from him every time & hide in the bedroom.. Poor guy was complaining & crying the whole time.. Couple of times she took away things saying Mine then pushed him on the floor:-O Forget about letting him use the computer.. She stood there crying saying Mine, Mine, pulling him from the chair and when that didn’t work she took the mouse & throw it several times and used the keyboard as “tabla” to interrupt him.. *sigh She made it very torturing weekend for him. So the whole weekend I had one screaming kid & I crying kid.. Last night I felt like I had no throat cuz of all the yelling..
How do they learn these annoying things from nowhere and not the good thing that we teach then EVERY SINGLE DAY?
Saturday, October 28, 2006
well at least today... and only hubby’s type men, who are emotionless, have no interest in family life, never change and fight over same thing their whole life, make absolute no effort to have a peaceful life, never think of solving a problem which effects everybody’s life around them.. They think by avoiding & not talking about things is called solving even after friken so many years you are fighting over same things which leads to many other problems & new issues to fight about. Don’t they get any clue or they are just too dumb to realize.. There are so many men out there trying & making effort to have a loving satisfying life but are there people who want to fight every time they are home? I mean what kind of role model you will be for your kids? Or Just spending money makes up for every fight, every heartache and gives you back every second when you make other people feel so bad… Why can’t they realize that they are tearing you apart..
Few days back I read this on Keshi’s blog & can’t get it out of my mind..
You can have everything else in life but if you don't have love, respect, understanding and appreciation from your near and the dear ones, then you have nothing. If they can't and won't take few minutes to really listen to what you have to say, if they don't seem to understand how you feel, if they don't respect your feelings, if their love is just verbal only and if they demonstrate that your existence in their life is not appreciated, then why do you still hang around wanting to be heard and loved.
Today I don’t know the answer either… maybe because of the kids…
Few days back I read this on Keshi’s blog & can’t get it out of my mind..
You can have everything else in life but if you don't have love, respect, understanding and appreciation from your near and the dear ones, then you have nothing. If they can't and won't take few minutes to really listen to what you have to say, if they don't seem to understand how you feel, if they don't respect your feelings, if their love is just verbal only and if they demonstrate that your existence in their life is not appreciated, then why do you still hang around wanting to be heard and loved.
Today I don’t know the answer either… maybe because of the kids…
Friday, October 27, 2006
His First...
There are lots of things to write about on the blog but lately I am in no mood. Every day I think that once I am in better mood there will be post rain here:-) but something happened today that I had to tell you all about..
I went to drop off A this morning. He is catching a little cold so I was wiping his nose before leaving And all of a sudden a girl ran up to A hugged him tight with both hands around his neck & kissed him on his cheek then lips:-O Before I could react she did it again:-O I just froze there.. didn’t know what to say.. A was looking at me with a shy smile & she hugged him again.. :-)
OMG, It’s A’s first kiss (actually the first I saw). His teacher came up to me and I told her that she just hugged & kissed A twice.. She said that what they do all day :-) they are best friends..
I kissed A & left the 2 lovebirds alone, who were still holding hands;-) No wonder the minute he gets up in the morning he tells me “ I am getting late mamma, hurry up, I have to go to school.” And during weekend he wants to go to school too. He asks to go to school at least 50 time during weekend. Now I know the reason ;-D

This is her picture from the pumpkin picking trip. She was sitting next to me looking at me taking pictures of A & Gudiya so I asked her if she wanted me to take her picture too.. who knew I was gonna need it later:-)
I went to drop off A this morning. He is catching a little cold so I was wiping his nose before leaving And all of a sudden a girl ran up to A hugged him tight with both hands around his neck & kissed him on his cheek then lips:-O Before I could react she did it again:-O I just froze there.. didn’t know what to say.. A was looking at me with a shy smile & she hugged him again.. :-)
OMG, It’s A’s first kiss (actually the first I saw). His teacher came up to me and I told her that she just hugged & kissed A twice.. She said that what they do all day :-) they are best friends..
I kissed A & left the 2 lovebirds alone, who were still holding hands;-) No wonder the minute he gets up in the morning he tells me “ I am getting late mamma, hurry up, I have to go to school.” And during weekend he wants to go to school too. He asks to go to school at least 50 time during weekend. Now I know the reason ;-D

This is her picture from the pumpkin picking trip. She was sitting next to me looking at me taking pictures of A & Gudiya so I asked her if she wanted me to take her picture too.. who knew I was gonna need it later:-)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Last Diwali
In Chandigarh with my cousin

He wanted to jump on Chakris

With my grandma who passed away in March

In Ludhiana with my other cousin & Bhua, who is holding Gudiya

With my Uncle aka Muchhe wale Nanu:-)

Last year we were in India this time and A had so much fun during diwali. He had never seen any firecrackers beside the firework on 4th of July. So last year was great since he gets to celebrate diwali twice and it lasted for almost a month… He started on fuljhari’s & chakris about 10 days before diwali & then after diwali we left for my bhua’s place in Ludhiana where they had saved bags full of firecrackers for him so we started again and every evening we used to go on roof & had fun:-) It was Gurpurav few days after diwali so people didn’t think we were crazy:-)
Now can't wait to be there next year.
I didn't take my camera there so these are pictures of pictures thats why a bit blury.

He wanted to jump on Chakris

With my grandma who passed away in March

In Ludhiana with my other cousin & Bhua, who is holding Gudiya

With my Uncle aka Muchhe wale Nanu:-)

Last year we were in India this time and A had so much fun during diwali. He had never seen any firecrackers beside the firework on 4th of July. So last year was great since he gets to celebrate diwali twice and it lasted for almost a month… He started on fuljhari’s & chakris about 10 days before diwali & then after diwali we left for my bhua’s place in Ludhiana where they had saved bags full of firecrackers for him so we started again and every evening we used to go on roof & had fun:-) It was Gurpurav few days after diwali so people didn’t think we were crazy:-)
Now can't wait to be there next year.
I didn't take my camera there so these are pictures of pictures thats why a bit blury.
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